We encourage you to submit experimental interviews, articles, reviews,  and creative nonfiction.

Please note that we will generally not accept reviews of non-experimental literature unless the review itself is experimental. We are looking to engage with and draw attention to literature that pushes the boundaries of genre, form, methodology, style, etc. Submit 2 pieces of any such kind via Submittable.

If you have concerns about suitability, feel free to send a query to nonfiction@fillingstation.ca. While questions or concerns may be received by email, Nonfiction accepts submissions only via Submittable. If you are interested in reviewing a book for filling Station, email the Nonfiction editor, or you can elect to review a book of your choice that you own.

A submission lacking mailing address and bio (25 - 75 words) will be considered incomplete.

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.